If you’re having trouble with payment, please ensure that you are using one of our accepted payment methods and that you have sufficient funds on your card. There are a number of reasons why your payment may not be accepted.
2000: DO NOT HONOUR - The customer's bank is unwilling to accept the transaction. The customer will need to contact their bank for more details regarding this generic decline.
2007: NO ACCOUNT – The submitted card number is not on file with the card-issuing bank. The customer will need to contact their bank.
2010: CARD ISSUER DECLINED CVV - The customer entered in an invalid security code or made a typo in their card information. Have the customer attempt the transaction again – if the decline persists, the customer will need to contact their bank.
2015: TRANSACTION NOT ALLOWED - The customer's bank is declining the transaction for unspecified reasons, possibly due to an issue with the card itself. They will need to contact their bank or use a different payment method.
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